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5 Facts About Acute Stress Disorder

Stress is one of the leading causes of health problems in the United States. Patients experiencing high stress levels, especially after experiencing a traumatic event, can develop further harmful health...

Erasing the Stigma: May is Mental Health Awareness Month

Mental Health Awareness Month is here again, and it's crucial, now more than ever, to explore the struggles, successes, and stories of those who have a mental illness. There still...

Building Resilience to Protect Your Mental Health

Mental health encompasses emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects everything from how we feel and think to how we interact with others and handle stress.

COVID-19: How to Escape the Pandemic of Fear

The coronavirus pandemic has caused significant fear amongst many. People have been stockpiling items like toilet paper, hand sanitizer, and non-perishable goods out of fear of quarantine or shortages. Businesses...

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