Pain is a complicated experience. It varies from person to person, even among those who have the same injury or illness. And the response to different pain treatments is variable...
While we await word on whether community pools will open, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued guidelines and considerations for public pools and other aquatic facilities...
As the warm weather beckons us to spend more time outdoors, it’s an especially good time for a refresher on how to practice sun safety and stay protected against the...
The medical causes of night sweats or sleep hyperhidrosis are numerous. Night sweats can be caused by hormonal fluctuations or disorders, infection and fever, and side effects from medication.
A rare but serious pediatric inflammatory disease called multisystem inflammatory syndrome (MIS-C) is currently being investigated due to links to COVID-19.
In an article for NJ Family, Summit Health Chair of Pediatrics, Dr. Marnie Dardanello, discusses the accelerated pace of telemedicine amid the COVID-19 pandemic and offers parents tips for navigating...
Summit Health family medicine physician, Kimberly Barnum, comments on the quick move to virtual care in lieu of COVID-19 in an article for Fordham News featuring alumni who are on...
To protect against COVID-19, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends people wear face masks or face coverings in public areas when social distancing is difficult to maintain.