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Why Should My Child Get the HPV Vaccine?

HPV is a virus spread from skin-to-skin contact and sex, and getting the HPV vaccine is crucial. Learn more about the HPV vaccine with Westfield pediatricians at Summit Health.

National Cancer Week: The Lifesaving Screening Plans Everyone Should Know

Are you up to date on all your cancer screenings? Many of us delayed or missed life-saving screenings during the COVID-19 pandemic and are still getting back on track.

What are Oral and Oropharyngeal Cancers?

Oral and oropharyngeal cancers, which begin in the mouth or throat, have been on the rise throughout the last decade.

Gynecologic Cancer Services

Most women who come in for their yearly exam have questions about gynecologic cancers.

Summer of Love: The Scoop on Sexually Transmitted Infections

Being in lockdown understandably put a damper on many single people’s love life. But now that many individuals are vaccinated, society is reopening, and life is getting back to normal...

STD Testing and How It Could Save Your Life

Nearly one in five people in the United States have an STD. Sexually transmitted diseases, STDs, are diseases passed from one person to another through sexual contact.

Preventing Throat Cancer: Steps to Stay Healthy

Throat cancer occurs when tumors, growths, and other abnormal cells appear in various areas of the throat.

Important Truths About Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one in five people has a sexually transmitted infection (STI). Contributors to this alarmingly high statistic include the massive spread of...

What You Need to Know About HPV and Cervical Cancer

This past year the pandemic highlighted the importance of vaccines and maintaining scheduled vaccinations to keep from contracting viruses. All vaccines are equally vital. But only one, the breakthrough HPV...

Signs You Have an STI and When to See a Doctor

A persistent itch, discharge or discomforting rash. Blisters, lesions, or unusual lumps. Blood in the urine or pain when urinating. Unexplained rash or persistent sore throat. These are all common...

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